19 September 2013

Of Ted and the Tea Party

It appears that Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) has been busy fighting fires, and mending fences, with the Tea Party. Is it just me, or has this guy just set a new record for beginning his re-election campaign, fully five years before Election Day 2018? Because, you know, a radical minority fringe that has - maybe - one more election cycle in which to have any relevance, much less influence, is precisely the wagon to which to hitch one's political star.

The article, from CNN, is here.

At any rate, we appear to have a new definition for "Republican":  A guy who continues to pour gasoline on the fire, in the hope that some of it will turn into flame retardant.

Ted Cruz is eventually going to be consumed by the fire with which he has heretofore played so gleefully? Well, Duh!

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